The cooperation agreement is concluded with special attention to the all-round provision of broad mutual assistance focused on the area of competence of the contracting parties for the purpose of a more qualified, efficient and faster mutually coordinated solution of tasks of personal and common interest. The aim and purpose of the agreement is to agree and implement mutually beneficial cooperation and based on this cooperation maintain mutually supportive partnership relations.
Study mobility within bilateral agreements is free of charge for students (students are exempted from paying the tuiton fee), but students have to cover all of their living expenses.
The selection of students is done on the university-wide level usually two times a year, in March/October of the particular academic year, valid for the following academic year. Call for selection with all necessary information is announced at least 2 weeks before the selection process.
In order to be included in the university-wide selection process, student needs to submit required documents electronically, as well as in person to the IMD:
- Filled out Application form - Student Application Form for the study mobility for the current academic year,
- CV in English,
- Motivation letter in English (CV and Motivation letter can be prepared in various languages),
- Transcript of Records for all study period
- Proof of language proficiency
- Confirmation on extracurricular activities and references (optional).
Documents required before and after the mobility
Before the mobility
Student is required to submit following documents to IMD before departure for the mobility:
- Learning Agreement - in this document, student needs to specify courses that he/she is going to study at the foreign university. Student needs to check the current offer of courses for the particular academic year on the university website. Completed document has to be submitted by the student to the vice-dean for international relations of the relevant faculty, who confirms with his/her signature that selected courses will be recognized by the home faculty after successful completion of the mobility.
- In case of a PhD study – doctoral student is required to create a research plan with specific description of activities to be carried out at the hosting institution and this research plan has to be confirmed by the advisor at the home university, as well as by advisor at the hosting institution,
- Release from studies - after receiving an acceptance letter from a foreign university, student contacts IMD and coordinator issues a confirmation of study mobility abroad. Based on this confirmation the student can request study department at the home faculty to issue the Release from study,
- Acceptance letter – confirmed by the hosting institution,
- Travel insurance – student is required to arrange a complex travel insurance covering medical expenses and accident insurance for the entire duration of the study stay. If you arrange an insurance remotely (online) and you are issued with a draft insurance policy, you need to bring a confirmation of payment for the insurance contract. It is recommended to arrange insurance covering also liability insurance for damage caused by participants in the school and legal protection insurance.
After the mobility
No later than 10 days after returning from the study mobility (unless otherwise agreed), each student must deliver to the Coordinator at IMD either in person or by an e-mail following documents:
- Transcript of Records - (issued by hosting institution) and confirmed research plan (in case of doctoral study).
- Proof of Recognition (confirmed by home university),
- Two photos from the study mobility.
For more information, please visit (only in Slovak) or contact:
VRBENSKÁ, Michaela
Coordinator for outgoing students
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