Academic recognition of diploma (Nostrification) or recognition for the continuation of studies means the recognition of previously attained education for the purpose of further studies, or any other purpose with the exception of the practice of regulated professions. Please note that every candidate who completed education abroad needs to do the recognition process of education documents.

However, you can apply to a study program even if you do not have your diploma recognized yet, but please note that the process can take some time, so start preparing the recognition as soon as you can. The latest deadline to deliver us the recognition of your diploma is upon enrollment. The process of diploma recognition differs for students applying to bachelor programmes and for students applying to master programmes. Please, see below for details.

If you are applying to Bachelor program

If you are applying to one of our Bachelor programmes, you need to nostrificate your secondary school graduation certificate. Recognition of leaving certificates and diplomas issued by a primary or secondary school in another state is performed at the Regional Office of School Administration (Regionálny úrad školskej správy) in the region of the permanent residence of the applicant or the region of the university location. For more information, please visit

If you are applying to Master program

If you are applying to one of our Master programmes, please note that you need to nostrificate your bachelor diploma. You are required to send documents for the recognition process directly to the Pedagogical department of the University of Economics in Bratislava. Applications for the recognition of diplomas are to be submitted in writing (scans of documents are not accepted). The application shall be accompanied by:

  • certified copy of a diploma issued by a recognized university and certified translation into Slovak language *
  • certified copy of the transcript of completed subjects and examinations and certified translation into Slovak language *
  • certified copy of a diploma supplement, if such a document is issued by a recognized university and certified translation into Slovak language *
  • copy of a document on education prior to the education which is the subject of the application
  • proof of payment of the administration fee 7€ or 40€, depending on the country where the document was issued (see Application for academic recognition of a diploma). **

* Please note that we are able to accept translations from certified translators only. A certified translator will always bind your documents together with a red, white, and blue string, have a round stamp with the Slovak national symbol and an appendix about being a certified translator that is attached as a last page with your documents. If you are not sure whether the translator you have found is certified, you can check the website of the Ministry of Justice, where the list of certified translators can be found.

** The administrative fee for the recognition:

  • 7 EUR if the qualification is covered by a bilateral agreement signed between the Slovak Republic and the country of origin (code in the web and mobile application eKolok: 1723)
  • 40 EUR if the qualification is not covered by any of the bilateral agreements (code in the web and mobile application eKolok: 2218)

Application fee payment options

  1. via Receipt of Payment of Administrative / Judicial Fee (eStamp or eKolok), which can be purchased at selected offices of Slovenská pošta, a.s. (Slovak Post) in the required value
  2. via eKolok Mobile Application which is available at GooglePlay / App Store
  3. via eKolok Web Application, also called Virtual Kiosk, available at

Please note that we cannot return submitted documents.

Please send your application for the recognition of diploma together with all supporting documents to the following address:

University of Economics in Bratislava
Pedagogical Department
Dolnozemská cesta 1 
852 35 Bratislava

The decision on recognition of diplomas issued by the EU in Bratislava after considering an application by the faculty, which performs the same or a related degree program. 

Details on the recognition of the education and fees document can be obtained from:

3rd floor
+421 2 6729 5388