Established 1940
Students 7000
Student to teacher ratio 15:1
Alumni 117 000
Academic staff 473
Non-academic staff 506
Faculties 7
Degree programs 79
Double degrees 14
Erasmus+ agreements 290+
Bilateral agreements 111

High Educational Impact

Being one of the most important educational and research institutions in Slovakia, we are also the oldest and largest university with economics and business focus in Slovakia. Since 1940, we have prepared over 117 000 students for their successful careers in economics and business.

Low Student to Teacher Ratio

Low student to teacher ratio enables us to keep the groups small. At the EUBA you will experience an education on a human scale where you have a lot of opportunities for interaction with teachers.

Developed International Cooperation

You can benefit from more than 400 agreements with universities from all around the world and spend a great deal of your studies abroad. All of our programmes can be pursued as a double degree option at some of the best business schools in Europe and Asia.

Membership in various international institutions and prestigious AACSB accreditation

EUBA is a member of various international institutions and also earned prestigious AACSB International Accreditation. AACSB is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business. Less than 6% of the world's schools offering business degree programs hold AACSB business accreditation.

Partnerships with various prestigious companies

Our faculties have partnerships with many prestigious companies and specialists from practice participate on lectures during the semester. Partner companies also provide some work opportunities for students and graduates. Thanks to the support of external partners, we are able to provide better conditions for education, such as modernize the equipment and premises.

Wide selection of programmes in English

Our faculties offer all together 3 bachelor and 7 master programmes in English in various areas, such as management, finances, tourism and marketing or international relations.

No Tuition Fees

We don't have the tuition fees for comparable quality education in all Central Europe.

Best Location

Study in a lively student town with perfect international connection. As a capital of Slovakia, Bratislava is an ideal place to put your knowledge into practice. All in all, it is not only about studying. Have fun in a welcoming cosy little town. You will never get lost here!


EUBA has 9 student residencies where students have possibility to apply for a placement.


The University of Economics in Bratislava is a renowned institution of higher education, with tradition, international cooperation and specialization in the field of economics, business and management. The EUBA’s geographical position is advantageous for cross-border cooperation. Both of its campuses are not only a part of bilateral, but also multilateral initiatives (e.g. projects within FP7, schemes, ERASMUS, EEA H2020 + INTERREG, EHP).