• Short: BEM
  • Faculty: Faculty of Business Management
  • Program Code Name: dEMa_15
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Degree: PhD.
  • Form of study: full-time / part-time
  • Language: English
  • Application Period: 1 April 2025 - 7 June 2025
  • Start: September 2025
  • Tuition Fee: 3.500 euros per academic year
  • Applications open: April 1, 2025
  • Deadline for applications: June 7, 2025
  • Selection procedure: June 28, 2025
  • Notification about decisions: July 2025

The aim of the study program International Business Management is to train graduates for a highly specialized career in the sphere of institutions, companies and multinational corporations in an international business environment. They can also find a job in the field of scientific work at universities, research teams or various social and public organizations. Study program is focused on investigating of the development trends in the international economic environment with emphasis on specific growth conditions of the EU, or the Slovak Republic and on developments in other territorial segments of the world economy. Since the Slovak economy is absolutely foreign-oriented, it creates a specific environment for scientific research and forms the importance of the economic relations and the consequences that arise in this area. The graduate is able:

  • to use various basic and applied research methods and to develop new knowledge in the selected topics,
  • to solve issues of economic practice in different contexts throughout sophisticated approaches,
  • to manage processes in the selected fieldconceptually, to work in team and to factually communicate their decisions in internationalt conditions. 

Graduate profile

The graduate of the study programme Business Economics and Management acquires and can integrally apply advanced scientific methods of basic and applied research, participates in the development of knowledge in economics and management, integrates the latest trends of modern society and is able to apply them in various spheres. He/she can define problems accurately, analyse economic and managerial phenomena and processes, generalise and standardise the acquired knowledge and apply it to the solution of specific problems, thus contributing to the development of economic and managerial theory.

The graduate of the doctoral studies can design and implement the whole research cycle. He is able to work with scientific hypotheses that result from the deficits of the current state of knowledge in economics and management, he is able to apply the appropriate methodological procedure in order to advance the knowledge of the scientific discipline, in the intentions of sustainable socioeconomic development.

Through advanced knowledge of IS/IT, he/she is able to transform and evaluate data in an appropriate way into scientifically and applicationally interpretable information, usable in specific decision-making situations. With a problemoriented research approach, it is able to generate solutions that respect the limits of the economic possibilities of enterprises.

The acquired advanced skills, enriched with quantitative and qualitative tools of scientific research, predispose the graduate also for the performance of applied research. The graduate is able to evaluate economically and financially the impact of proposed solutions and to solve a wide range of professional problems with managerial skills, to communicate them appropriately with stakeholders and to defend his/her opinions and positions in expert discussions. From a managerial perspective, the acquired competence contributes to broadbased support for societal progress not only at the microeconomic but also at the macroeconomic level, to the generation of new ideas, incentives and innovations, thus contributing to the strengthening of an economically sustainable business environment.

The graduate is able to carry out independent, conceptual and creative scientific and research activities in the field of business economics and management, approaching problem solving on the basis of a broader global context, both nationally and internationally. He also contributes to the development of a sustainable knowledge-based society and digital economy through his competence in solving research tasks based on problems of business practice, his mastery of advanced scientific techniques and his habits of systematically examining the latest scientific research findings.

The professions for which the graduate is prepared at the time of completion and the potential of the study programme from the point of view of graduate's employability

The study programme of the 3rd degree in Business economics and management prepares graduates who will apply themselves as specialists in the field of basic or applied research, in the educational process at the college/university and in the system of lifelong learning with the main competence related to business economics and management. Their strategic orientation and skills in working with data qualify them for management positions in large and multinational companies, as leaders of research and innovation teams, or specialists in communication
with decision-makers. Self-employment in innovative fields is not excluded.